What are the types of business in Pakistan? Sole Proprietorship & Partnership
Everything that is done to make a profit is called business. There are many types of businesses, someone running a shop, someone running a factory, another one running a private school and even running a hospital, but legally there are certain types of businesses. Friends..! Life is nothing without business. With the exception of government employees, almost everyone runs a private business or works in someone else's business. Everything we use in our lives is due to some kind of business. If the business is to be described in one line, then everything that is done to make a profit is called business. There are many types of businesses, someone running a shop, someone running a factory, another one running a private school and even running a hospital, but legally there are certain types of businesses, Today we will talk about these types. There are three types of business not only in Pakistan but all over the world 1- Sole proprietorship 2- Partnership 3- Private Limited Company Fr...